Rabu, 06 April 2011

Is it impossible that a teacher teach without using a indonesian language ?

            In my opinion, it’s impossible that English teacher  teach without using Indonesia language, because as an Indonesian people, English is a foreign language, so teaher must be mix between Indonesian and English language in teaching and learning process.  
If a teacher teaches in the English language continuously regardless of whether the student can understand the material or not, so the learning is not effective, because students will not be able to feedback and discussion with teachers about the material taught in that day.
So it,s effective and efficient when a teacher uses language that is mixed, between the source language and the target language in teaching and learning process.

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

method of TEFL

Npm    : 08520046

Task 2
Which one is better ?
English is taught by native speakers or English teacher.
            In my opinion, English is better taught by English teacher. Because as a indonesian people English language is a foreign language.So, if we taught by native speaker, we will be confused.
            If an institution recruits teachers with a good command of English  ( native speaker of English ), but without a good command of basic teching skills, the teaching learning process will be not succesfull.
There are the components of teacher knowledge who must be have by the teacher of English :
1.      Practical Knowledge : The teacher’s repertoire of classroom teqniques and strategies.
2.                                                                              Content knowledge   : The teacher’s understanding of subject of TESOL, pedagogical grammar, phonology, teaching theories, second language acquisition, as well as the specialized discourse and terminology of language teaching.
3.                                                                                          Contextual knowledge : Familiarity with the school or institutional context school norms and knowledge of the learner, including cultural and other relevant information.
4.                                                                                                Pedagigical knowledge : Ability to restructure content knowlwdge for teaching purposes, and to plan, adapt and improvise.
5.                                                                                          Personal knowledge          : The teacher’s personal beliefs and principles and his or her individual approach teaching.
6.                                                                                    Reflective knowledge          : The teacher’s capacity to reflect on and assess his or her own practice.
It’s ok, when the school  or institution bring up the native speaker in their teaching learning process. It can make the learners have an experience, they can explore and discuss about the material who have they gets in their school with the native speaker’s.
      I think that’s all, Thank you very much.......................

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

My experience when I study English for the first time

Hello…………I am Fitriyanti!
Here, I would like to tell you about my experience when I study English for the first time. Before I explain about it, firstly I would like to tell you about my history of school. I graduated from Elementary school in 1995, and then I study in Junior High School.
             I studied English for the first time in Junior high school. Ago, the name of my English teacher is Nr. Rosyidan. I think that study English was difficult, because English is the foreign language in our country. Actually, after I studied English for several time, study English was very interesting. We can know and say the new words by using English. My English teacher taught about Alphabet and Number for the first time.
            His technique and Method in teaching English are :
  1. Listening
The Students listens what the teacher talking about.
  1. Speaking
After the teacher talk about some words, and then students must repeat again what the teacher talking about.
  1. Reading
The teacher write some words or sentences, and then the students must read it.
  1. Writing
The students must write about the material of the day.
            Now, I will try and work hard to study English well. I have dreams that I can make a good English teacher. By study in UNISRI Surakarta, I hope my dreams come true……………………..Amin!
            That’s all abaout my experience when I study English for the first time.
            Thank you………………….see you.